Web Application Development
Here at SyncsysLLC, nobody knows your business like we do.
We'll try our level best to get to know it as well as the people who keep it running.
We take the time to understand your operations, market positioning and competition, and help you develop the most effective solution to your unique business challenges.
We provide your web applications a high-fidelity design, providing our end user with a product that incorporates a good "look and feel" to give you a nourishing experience.
We design our products for the four corners of screens, not just a specific device's screen dimensions, future proofing your product.
And once SyncSys LLC programmers are done writing the code, we do our best to break it through our engineering team, which thoroughly tests the code to find and eliminate any problems and make sure your applications work properly.
Our web applications are device agnostic, this means that your users will have an amazing experience using our products no matter what device they use.
We provide cross browser support, making our web products work with a variety of leading browsers including IE8+, iOS, Android 2+, Windows Phone, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome.
We develop and provide, here are some of the technologies that we often use to develop our web applications
- Languages
- .NET (C#)
- JavaScript
- Databases
- Frameworks
- .NET Framework
- AngularJS
- Backbone.js
- Bootstrap
- CodeIgniter
- jQuery
- jQuery Mobile
- Modernizr
- Node.js
- PhoneGap
- Sencha